
Connie Greisz is a Life Coach and Personal Power Enthusiast dedicated to helping you uncover the keys to your power and gifts.

Room to Bloom is all about putting YOU in control of your life and helping you gain access to your inherent power and unique gifts.

In 1:1 coaching sessions, we dive deep into the world of YOU. Together we work to uncover hidden, subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, and anything else that may be holding you back. Utilizing multiple modalities and tools, together we will prime your mind, body and spirit to embody new perspectives and integrate your blossoming potential and power.

Sound Healing is an ancient practice used for centuries to help support and enhance our human experiences. With benefits ranging from reduced anxiety and depression to better sleep and enhanced heart coherence, sound can benefit the body, mind, and spirit in numerous profound ways. Sound healing can be experienced in groups or in private sessions. Take the first step on your sound journey today!

The Gene Keys is a synthesis of wisdom created by Richard Rudd that helps provide you with a map to your own personal awakening. It gives you a system through which you can come to more deeply know and love yourself and all of humanity. Discover a system of Self-Illumination that is an individual journey, but can be supported through 1:1 Sessions, community gatherings, workshops and more.

In partnership with Salt Vault Wellness Center, these private (or couples) sound healing sessions take place inside of the Salt Cave and bring you the combined benefits of Sound Healing with Halotherapy, AKA Salt Therapy. Nourish your mind, body, and spirit with these magical healing sessions as you are immersed in a deeply meditative state while receiving halotherapy.

(You will be redirected to the Salt Vault Wellness Center website to book)

In group coaching sessions, you will benefit from not only the expertise and guidance of Connie as a coach, but also from a community of souls seeking the same things as you. By engaging with community, we all gain more insight and perspectives than we would working alone. It is truly a magical experience, as we all bear witness to others transformations while also having others bear witness to ours.

Support yourself and your personal evolution with the power of meditation and breath-work. Meditation has been proven to enhance well-being in a myriad of ways from reducing stress to helping with sleep and even with regulating chronic pain. Experience these and other benefits for yourself with either a private 1 on 1 session or by attending a community meditation session today.

Somatic Harmonizing sessions are a wonderful way to tap into the inherent power and wisdom that your body holds. Utilizing science backed methods to regulate the nervous system, limbic (emotional) system, overall energy system of the body, and much more, these sessions will leave you feeling grounded, energized, and regulated so that you can create the life you truly desire.

Maybe you’re not ready to fully dive into a coaching commitment, or maybe you just want a fresh perspective on a specific situation or experience in your life. With text and email coaching services, you can ask questions, and I’ll respond with messages crafted specifically for you, full of tools to utilize on your own time. Sometimes all we need is a fresh set of eyes or a change in perspective for something brand new to open up to us.

Workplace Wellness Services bring the empowerment and inspiration directly to your place of business. Engaging with your team either at your place of business or digitally via Zoom, Connie will provide your team with the energy, inspiration, and tools that they need to become more productive, more successful, and more empowered. Take the next step today in your business by supercharging your team for success.

Working with Connie is always inspiring me. I’m just happy to be here. Thanks for helping me turn things around.”

Kate West

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